What is your securities trading code?
"TYO:4528" for the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
What is the trading unit of ONO shares?
When are the record dates for dividends?
Shareholders of record on September 30 and March 31 will be eligible for interim and year-end dividends, respectively.
When can I expect to receive dividends?
Effective date of the distribution of year-ends dividends is typically around the end of June. Effective date of the distribution of interim dividends is typically early December.
What is the date of your Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting?
Generally, the meeting is held in June each year.Please refer to IR Calendar.
How can I confirm the historical data of dividends?
Please refer to Financial Highlights - Dividends Distribution (Past ten years).
How can I confirm financial results?
Please refer to IR Library.
If your question is not answered, please submit your question on the Inquiry page.